Startup Incubator for Creatives

Jul 11, 2017

Startup Incubator for Creatives

There are many startup incubators to support and accelerate early startup companies in the technology sector. However, there are very few incubators around to support artists, creators and designers. A few have been popping up and before you decide to join such an incubator, make sure they have the mentors, expertise and access to the type of investors you are looking for. A creative startup incubator can support, build, commercialize and invest in entrepreneurial endeavours in the design-led, digital media, internet of things, and cultural industry space and anything that is not scientific or pharmaceutical.

Creative Startup Incubator - Areas of Focus

A creative startup incubator primarily focuses on the following creative areas:

  • Design-Led

    • Industrial Design Products

    • User Experience

    • Packaging

    • Branding

    • Graphic Design

    • Environmental Design Solutions

  • Maker Space

    • 3D Printing

    • Laser

    • Robotics

    • Rapid Prototyping, etc.

  • Digital Media/Mobile/Technology Start Ups/Internet of Things

    • apps

    • games

    • wearable technologies

    • data mining etc.

  • Cultural Industry & Social Enterprise Start Ups

    • health systems and process

    • transportation solutions,

  • Creative Start Ups

    • Arts

    • Fashion

    • Drama/Theatre

    • Music

    • Entertainment, Film/TV

    • etc

What A Good Startup Incubator Aimed at Creatives Should Provide

A good startup incubator aimed at creatives should be able to do the same things any incubator can do including:

  • Introduce you to potential outside investors interested in investing in the creative space

  • Identify technologies that you may wish to purchase or license relevant to creatives

  • Negotiate a license or business deal with a company taking into account the special issues that arise for artists and designers

  • Introduce you to other creative or other businesses that can either support your business or collaborate with you

  • Help you access government and other sources of funding (crowdfunding, etc.) aimed at the creative markets

  • Assist you with your business plan and business model

  • Introductions to potential licensees and buyers

  • Assist with marketing initiatives and marketing plan

  • Build contacts and relationships

  • Collaborate with other incubators

  • Help with pitches and your pitch deck and assist developing your value proposition

  • Assist with introductions to manufacturers and suppliers

  • Identify key competitors

  • Help identify target market and commercialization opportunities

  • Assist with customer validation and market awareness

Unfortunately, many incubators may have people who have actually never worked in the creative space and may not know their special needs. It’s important to choose people for a creative incubator that actually understand the needs of artists and designers.

List of Startup Incubators

The following is a list of the various startup incubators in and around Toronto from Startup Here Toronto:


Biomedical Zone

Bitcoin Decentral Accelerate

Blueline Bioscience

Canada's music Incubator

CEO Fusion

Community Innovation Lab

Cookhouse Labs


Department of Computer Science Innovation Lab

DMZ at Ryerson University

Driven Accelerator Group

Fasken Martineau LLP Start-up Entrepreneurial Development Program

Food Starter

Founders Canada

Free (coworking spaces)


Genesis:  UJA's Center for Jewish Innovation

George Brown College - Digital Media and Gaming Incubator

Google for Entrepreneurs

Grit Ventures


Harbourfront Centre

HELIX at Seneca College


IBM Innovation Space

iBoost Zone

Imagination Catalyst OCADU


Italian Chamber of Commerce (ICCO)

JLABS @ Toronto

Laurier LaunchPad

Legal Innovation Zone


Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)

Open Sky Incubator

Rotman FinHub

Ryerson University - Centre for Urban Energy

Ryerson University - Design Fabrication Zone

Ryerson University - Fashion Zone

Ryerson University - Startmeup Ryerson

Ryerson University - Transmedia Zone

Schlegel Centre for Entrepreneurship

School for Social Entrepreneurs Ontario (SSE-O)


Spark Centre

Startup Next Toronto

Startup School Ryerson University

Techstars Toronto Accelerator

The Big Push

Toronto Business Development Centre (TBDC)

Toronto Fashion Incubator

University of Toronto - Health innovation Hub (H2i)

University of Toronto - INstitute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS)

University of Toronto - The Hub Ideation and Experiential Learning Centre

University of Waterloo - Conrad Centre

University of Waterloo - St. Paul's Greenhouse

University of Waterloo - Velocity

University of Waterloo - Waterloo Commercialization Office

Venture for Canada


Wilfrid Laurier University Launchpad

YLab Maker Space

York Entpreneurship Development Instititute Accelerator

Youth Social Innovation Capital Fund